In-person Meeting: Improving The Lives Of Children And Families – The Hidden Gem Of The Tax Code

The Tax Equity Funders Network along with our co-hosts, Children, Youth and Family Funders Roundtable, Early Childhood Funders Collaborative, Economic Opportunity Funders, Funders Together to End Homelessness, Grantmakers for Thriving Youth, Grantmakers in Health and Funders for Maternal Mental Health invite you to attend an in-person session on Thursday,…

Annual Policy Webinar 2024: A Focus on State Tax Credits

Join the Tax Equity Funders Network and national and state field partners for a review of developments in state Earned Income Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits in 2023 and the opportunities and challenges ahead in 2024. Field partners from…

New Member Welcome Meeting

Thank you for becoming a member of the Tax Equity Funders Network! Would you like to meet your some of your fellow network members and learn more about our collective work on economic security through tax credits? Join us for…

Shaping the Future Forum

It is said that without a vision for our future we will always return to our past. If the pandemic taught us anything it is that significant movements in policy can happen in a short period of time if there…

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