Building Policy Advocacy & Grassroots Organizing Capacity to Improve Economic Security: A Conversation for Missouri Funders

In April 2023, Economic Opportunity Funders, Tax Equity Funders Network, and Philanthropy Missouri co-hosted a webinar to explore the ecosystem that works to improve economic security for Missourians and begin to identify strategies to strengthen it. In this follow-on conversation in October 2023, we convened a smaller group of deeply-invested funder partners to connect the dots across work to improve economic security in MO, discuss field gaps, and identify areas of strategic funder alignment.

Our next in-person session will take place on January 25th from 9:30am-11:30am in St. Louis, Missouri and is by invite only. Interested in joining us? Contact Deneisha Thompson for more information. 

Meeting Materials & Resources 

  1. Agenda
  2. Funding Social Change Worksheet
  3. Case Study

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